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Planning Commission Module 1 Hearing Continued to August 9, 5:00pm

The Chaffee County Planning Commission will continue its public hearing for the Module 1 Land Use Code update topics to Tuesday, August 9th, starting at 5:00pm. The meeting will be held at 104 Crestone, Salida, in the BOCC chambers, or via zoom at Agenda posting is available here.

The Planning Commission met Tuesday, August 2nd (meeting recording here) and discussed a portion of the code amendment drafts. Topics remaining for discussion on the 9th include additional considerations for Private Lands Camping, Agritourism, Wildland Urban Interface, Accessory Dwelling Units, and Short Term Rentals.

Public comment on Module 1 draft code amendments is still being collected for review by both the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners.

You can find the code draft document and the platform through which to share input at

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