The updated full draft of the Chaffee County Land Use Code (replacing the prior Nov 9th draft version) has been posted for public review as of November 14, 2024. An updated proposed Zoning Map has also been posted (version date Nov 13th), replacing the October 28th version. These drafts incorporate recommendations and requests from the Board of County Commission as of their November 12th public hearing.
These versions will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners at the continued public hearing on Nov 19th, beginning at 10:00am. A summary of changes document is also provided that provides an overview of major updates from the prior code & map draft versions.
Files are linked below, and can also be viewed in-person at the County Planning Department at 104 Crestone in Salida:
Public comment and feedback can be submitted through email to chaffeeplanning@chaffeecounty.org, or via the form on the County Planning Department website at www.chaffeecounty.org/Planning-and-Zoning (direct link here) , or by calling 719-530-5630. Public comment will also be accepted at the public hearings, both in person or over Zoom.
Together, the draft Land Use Code and zoning map support the goals, visions, and objectives of the 2020 Chaffee County Comprehensive Plan. The proposed code has evolved through the past 2.5 years of the Land Use Code Rewrite project and has been shaped by the public input collected through the many public hearing meetings held to date. The proposed zoning map seeks to implement the future land use plan adopted in the Chaffee County 2020 Comprehensive Plan.