Discussions with Board of County Commissioners to set scope of the next set of topics for the LUC update will begin mid-September at the September 19th BOCC Work Session. The LUC item is planned to begin ~1:00pm in the BOCC chambers at 104 Crestone in Salida or virtually at https://zoom.us/j/109079543. The first meeting with BOCC will be a general overview to help set policy directions for these topics.

The topics for the Module 2 phase of the Land Use Code Update project are expected to include:
Subdivision standards and allowances within certain natural resource areas
Consideration of natural resource areas/overlays
Conservation subdivisions and clustered developments
Preliminary Zone District discussions
Minor and major subdivision review permit procedures
Shared well and septic standards
Road standards within subdivisions
Water supply and quality requirements for subdivisions
Water conservation incentives and water-conscious land use patterns
The Module 2 content review, drafting of code updates, input opportunities, and public hearings will span through the remainder of 2022, and adoption is forecast for February 2023.
Where do we download the Module 2 document?
Without more than a list of topics, but no information as to content, I am unable to proceed with comments. If there is more detail, please send that to me prior to the Sept. 19th BOCC meeting